I pick up all kinds of vim tricks and plugins but I can never remember all the shortcuts. I wrote up this quick reference to help myself memorize how to use these tools.

Caveat: some of these keybindings are unique to my .vimrc.


Fuzzy Finder
<leader>f Find files with rg by filename
<leader>* Search file contents with rg (alt-a to select all). Results go in a QuickFix window.
<leader>* -t perl Same as above but only search perl files
<leader><tab> Search all vim mappings
<c-x><c-f> Complete file names
<c-x><c-l> Complete line

QuickFix keybindings: Search and replace across multiple files
fn next
fp prev
:cdo <cmd> For each entry run <cmd>
:cdo s/<c-r>"//c Same as above but don't need to retype the search regexp that was used by fzf
:cfdo <cmd> For each file run <cmd>


Browse the tags (packages, labels, subroutines, etc) of the current file and get an overview of its structure.
<leader>m Show tags


List, navigate between, and select buffers to edit.
<leader>b Open a window listing all buffers


Vertically align stuff
<leader>a Align something
<leader>a<ctrl-p> Align something in interactive mode
<leader>a= Align around first occurance of =
<leader>a2= Align around 2nd =
<leader>a*= Align around all =
<leader>a-= Align around last =
<leader>a<ctrl-x> Align around a regular expression


Provides links to the current line/selection on the github website so you easily talk about code with others.
<leader>t Get a link to the current line/selection


Quick access to perldoc

<leader>pd perldoc on the package name under cursor
<leader>ph perldoc on the package name under cursor
<leader>pf perldoc on the function name under cursor
<leader>pv perldoc on the special Perl variable under cursor


Jump to the next/prev Perl method
]m Jump to the next Perl subroutine start
]M Jump to the next Perl subroutine end
[m Jump to the previous Perl subroutine start
[M Jump to the previous Perl subroutine end